Yes, that's a "Bach" joke.
SHINER | Partnership with Alamo Drafthouse
Shiner movie trivia in Alamo's monthly publication to help you pass the time until your Shiner comes.
Instagram posts.
Yes, that's a "Bach" joke.
Shiner movie trivia in Alamo's monthly publication to help you pass the time until your Shiner comes.
(Answer: Correct! Reward yourself with a Shiner Oktoberfest)
(Answer: Correct! Reward yourself with a Shiner Ruby Redbird)
(Answer: Dirty Harry)
(Answer: The really confusing one about the prehistoric monkey creatures that find a big black stone thing and freak out a little but learn to use bones to kill their enemies, then changes to being about humans going to the moon where they find that same big black stone thing making really loud noises but then it’s about going to Jupiter with an insecure talking computer that tries to kill everyone so the guy escapes and goes past a bunch of odd planets and colors but then he’s in a room looking at himself on a bed looking at the big black stone thing and he’s getting older until he’s suddenly a baby in a bubble, back in space, looking down at earth. More or less.)
Instagram posts.
More or less.
You can't argue with a graph. You could try, but it'd be silly because it's just shapes and words.
1. Hat.
2. They're entirely different people.
3. One photo is a selfie. The other is actually an elaborate paint-by-numbers portrait.
4. Only one of these men is wearing pants.
5. The man who isn't a Capricorn is a Sagittarius (but neither knows it).
6. One picture shows a man smiling. The other shows a man saying the word, "canoodle."
Look on the bright side. The IRS can't take your beer. #TaxDay
Happy #TaxDay. Celebrate with a Shiner.
Remember, don't drink and sleigh-ride.